Booming Coaching Industry in India

Coaching Institutes today have become a means of earning fast money. In fact in today’s era it is the most booming business. When the entire world seemed to be under the doom of  recession, coaching was the only flourishing business. According to media resources, the turnover of Bansal Classes, ’The king of all coaching institutes for IIT-JEE’ rose from 18 crores to a whopping 60 crores. Not only does the institute increase the capacity of seats each year but also hikes its fees. And yes ,parents are ready to pay any amount just to see their children amongst the best in the country!
    When I was in the first grade, coachings were meant for children who were slow at learning and being a topper they certainly weren’t my cup of tea. As I grew coaching to me meant a way of making new friends and having a good time. I still remember the day I forced my parents that I will stop studying if they don’t send me for tutions, after all I too want to have a good time! But I had to hide it from my classmates after all it was at the cost of my reputation.  Finally when I finished tenth ,thought of preparing for JEE, I started flaunting ma coaching institute, after all not everyone can get into ‘Bansal Classes,Kota’Cearly that has been the journey of coaching classes, from aiding weaker students to learn better, to turning into a place where one can make new friends to becoming , and finally they have become status symbols. In fact your intelligence is now judged from the coaching institute you join.
   Coaching’s today have become a part and parcel of our lives. Any sphere is incomplete without coaching being involved in it. From 1st to 12th grade to preparing for NTSE or appearing for JEE, any paper be it CAT,GMAT or GRE or The Civil Services ,the first thing we think of before starting the preparation is the coaching we will join to make it to the exam.Self study has become an ideology of the fast. To remain competitive we must join a coaching. Not only do people take coachings for seeking admissions in schools, but now  days even parents have started taking coachings for the admission of their children since many schools now demand to take intervies of both parents as well as students. But the best part is there are coaching institutes that train you to get into the leading coaching institute in a particular field. Clearly recession can never hit India thanks to it’s student population that the coaching institues will flourish till maybe the world comes to an end!
   When talking about Coaching centres, the city Kota needs a strong mention. Once a city with very few career oppurtunities it has now turned into a city churning out thousands of IITians and NITians each year. Totally Mr. V.K.Bansal and his idea of opening the all famous Bansal classes has changed the fate of the entire city. Almost every day there a new coachings coming into existence ,each year the crowd coming to Kota for selection into various engineering entrance examination is increasing by leaps and bounds so much so that it is not only very difficult to get a hostel closest to your coaching but also the nearer the hostel the more expensive it becomes! Pg’s and hostels are the main bread winners of the families there.
   But being in a coaching institute is not always an advantage.There are many disadvantages as well . Many coaching institues of reputed fame enroll many students in lure of shaping out a bright future for them but many do not have adequate faculty to teach the mass of students they enroll.The result being the students are divided in batches and the less brainy ones are left at the mercy of the teachers who are either least interested to teach or do not possess enough knowledge.Besides the children from poorer families who cannot afford to pay the big bucks required to study in a big coaching institute are totally wiped out from competition even if they may be possessing better brains than those who take coachings. As per the reviews from the IIT professors ,not only the number of students in IIT taking coaching for the JEE examination has risen but also there has been a shrap decline in the I.Q. level of the students. All thanks to the cramming that takes places at the coaching this is the very reason that the pattern of various entrance examinations is changed each year to limit the number of students who get selected on their cramming expertise
     Coachings like career point have opened up their own company Career point info systems Ltd. Truly turning the entire education system into a money procuring business.
    Thus at the end I will conclude that coachings should still be treated as an aid to learn new things and not as a business.That totally ruins the very root cause of the reason coachings had come into existence. From the students point of view a coaching institute should be treated as an option to learn better and not a necessity!


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